Upcoming trips!

I thought I'd give you an update on where I'll be travelling later on this year so you'll know when to expect updates. So, here goes...

In two weeks, I'll be in Kaunas, Lithuania for the weekend. The main reasons for my going there are that it's one of the places where Ryanair fly straight from Tampere and that I've never been to Lithuania before. Apparently, Vilnius is also pretty close to Kaunas and it only costs around 5€ to get there by train so maybe I'll end up going there, too, who knows. I'm going with Tiina and we have a really nice hotel booked. I'm really looking forward to this trip!

Then, between June 17th and 27th, I'll be in New York! This is the trip I'm looking forward to the most as it'll be that much more special with me turning 30 while I'm there, too. I'm all ready to leave my 20s behind and am always very much willing to look forward and into the future rather than the past. True, I'm a person who lives out of nostalgia but that has nothing to do with my personal life - it's more about phenomena from the past that make me feel happy. Anyway, I don't have any specific plans regarding this trip yet but, in addition to New York, I'd love to visit at least Washington DC, too, as I've never been there. I'll be travelling with my mum and her friend so will have to see what they want to do.

Once I'm back from the States, I'm off to Copenhagen, Denmark and Gothenburg/Göteborg, Sweden for Madonna. I'm travelling alone but meeting up with fans and friends along the way so it should be good. I've now got everything booked apart from the ferry ride back to Finland from Stockholm. I'll be flying to Copenhagen, then catching a train to Gothenburg and again another train to Stockholm from there. I'll be seeing Madonna twice on this trip, very exciting!

And once I'm back from Sweden, I'll pretty soon be leaving for Brussels, Belgium with Tiina. This is another Madonna-related trip as we'll be going to her show there, but in addition, we want to travel around a bit. We're staying for a week and, during that time, I'm hoping to at least get to go to Luxembourg as I've never been there before (I've never been to Belgium, either, by the way) and it's fun to go to tiny countries like that (so far, I've been to the Vatican and San Marino out of these minuscule places).

Finally, in August, I'm going to Haapsalu, Estonia with my mum. It'll be a weekend trip to a blues festival that I know nothing much about yet but that sounds like fun! It'll be fun to see a different part of Estonia, too, instead of always only going to Tallinn.

I'm also already planning my Autumn Break. Right now, my options are Toronto, Canada and the Niagara Falls with Tiina OR Hong Kong with Tuulia. Decisions, decisions...


  1. I cannot believe you're going to Belgium (for a whole WEEK!) now that I'm not there anymore!!! :D What's up with that?! :D Luxembourg is ok but there's not that much to see actually. I recommend you visit at least Brugge for sightseeing and Antwerp for shopping.

    1. Heh, yes, I seem to go anywhere if Madonna is there :D. I know there's probably nothing in Luxembourg but I have a thing for these tiny places - new countries to add to my list of places visited ;). Anyway, thanks for all the tips!!

  2. heippa ja kiitos seuraamisesta :)
    Mä oon kans New Yorkiin menossa, mutta vasta lokakuussa ja vaan päivän. Mennään sinne Syracuseen ja ehkä Kanadaan :) Haluan kans nähdä Bostonia. Pikku Gilmore Tyttöjen fani haluis nähdä Harvardia :D
    Terkkuja Tuuloksesta Tampereelle :)

    1. Aaa, puhut suomea noin hyvin :D! Ihan turhaan siis kirjoitin enkuksi :D! Teidän matka kuulostaa tosi kivalta! Kauanko meinaatte olla reissussa?
      Tuulos on mulle tuttua seutua muuten, koska mun isovanhemmat asuu Lammilla ja puoli sukua on sieltä kotoisin :).

  3. I tagged you for a Books and Reading Q&A! Please take a look at it on my page: http://littlecornerofmyworld.blogspot.it/2012/04/books-and-reading-q.html

  4. Luxembourg!!! Lots to see there, I'd be so jealous! I miss it so much!

    1. That's definitely good to hear as I think most people think it's boring :)! I want to goooo :)!


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